Single of the Week

September 18, 2009

Ken is back with this week’s single…and everyone sing “Happy Birthday” to Ken after watching it!:

Remember that oddball kid in high school who stood on the fringe of the schoolyard lost in the music pumping through his headphones, perfectly happy to disregard his peers? Well, John O’Regan, aka Diamond Rings, was that guy, and he always went home along to write his own songs and sing them in front of a video camera. “All Yr Songs” is one of those concoctions – it’s low-fi with standard casio keyboard beats, but it has a certain charm and it works.


Well, it’s my birthday (Ken and I are a day apart), and as part of my fantastic celebration, my husband is taking me to Provence. (Sans kids!) I have to pack and do about a million other things so I will keep tonight’s post short. There will be no new Family Favs postings next week…but I’ll be back with lots more recommendations, comments and maybe even some news from the French…ciao for now!!